Candidate launches campaign for Holborn & St Pancras by blowing his own trumpet

Charlie Clinton, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Holborn & St Pancras, has launched his campaign by literally blowing his own trumpet – and saying that if we want to fix Britain we need to fix politics.
The event itself was a night of live music – provided by the UCL Union Jazz Society, and Charlie's own band - linking to our campaign to #savethefutureofmusic by reminding everyone attending just how much joy musicians can bring. (You can sign our petition here: We were joined by Lib Dem members, Camden Residents, UCL Students and other friends and family for a fantastic evening. In the words of one long term activist "It was the most fun I've had at a Lib Dem event for years".
But there was a more serious message to go with the fun. Charlie's speech focused on the need for a fair deal for all - highlighting that the majority of our country are being held back by an unequal society. He specifically talked about some of the unique challenges faced by young people, renters, leaseholders and musicians but also touched on many other parts of society who face systemic challenges including carers, LGBTQ+ people, disabled people, women, ethnic minorities, and anyone at all on a below average income.
He said: “For us to get Britain moving again we need to help everyone to live their best life, tackling inequality wherever we find it - but we will only be able to do that when we have a democracy in which every voice is heard, and every vote counts. In order to fix Britain, we need to fix politics. Lib Dems have been calling for electoral reform for decades. Now 80% of the Labour membership also support electoral reform, but Sir Keir Starmer still refuses to commit. I would say to all voters in Holborn & St Pancras: if you want to send a message to Keir Starmer that it’s time for real change: Vote Liberal Democrat”.
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